
Non-Economic Damages Victims Can Recover

Accident Lawyer

When a personal injury accident occurs, the impact can extend far beyond financial losses. Personal injuries often result in significant physical, emotional, and psychological damages that can disrupt a person’s life. While economic damages such as medical expenses and lost wages are commonly acknowledged, non-economic damages are equally important and can be recovered in a personal injury claim. Victims of personal injury accidents can expect to recover different types of non-economic damages. 

Pain and Suffering

The emotional distress that a victim suffers after an accident, whether it’s short-term or long-term, is known as pain and suffering. It encompasses the pain, discomfort, and limitations endured by the victim, as well as any long-term consequences. Although pain and suffering are subjective, experienced personal injury attorneys can help quantify these damages and negotiate fair compensation.

Emotional Distress

Post-traumatic stress disorder is one the most common mental disorders that personal injury accident victims develop, as a accident lawyer like one from Davis, Johnosn & Kallal often sees in their cases. These emotional damages can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, relationships, and ability to perform daily activities. Compensation for emotional distress aims to address the psychological impact of the accident and facilitate access to appropriate treatments or therapies.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Loss of life enjoyment is when an accident victim is not able to enjoy their favorite recreational activities or hobbies as well as they did before the accident. Whether it’s hobbies, sports, social events, or simply spending time with loved ones, the injuries sustained can limit or prevent these experiences. Compensation for this non-economic damage seeks to acknowledge and restore the joy and fulfillment that have been diminished due to the accident.

Disfigurement and Scarring

When accidents result in permanent consequences such as scars and severe disfigurement, it can have a strong impact on an accident victim’s life. Visible scars or permanent disfigurement can cause emotional distress and affect relationships, career opportunities, and overall well-being. Compensation for disfigurement and scarring recognizes the negative impact these physical changes can have and provides financial support for medical treatments, cosmetic procedures, or counseling.

Loss of Consortium

When accident injuries result in damage inflicted on a victim’s relationship to their partner, spouse or loved one, it is known as loss of consortium. This includes the loss of companionship, intimacy, and support that a healthy relationship provides. While difficult to quantify, loss of consortium is a recognized non-economic damage that can be compensated to help mitigate the strain on the injured person and their loved ones.

While economic damages are often the focus of personal injury claims, non-economic damages are equally important and can significantly impact an individual’s life after an accident. Recovering these non-economic damages through a personal injury claim is crucial to restoring a sense of justice, helping victims rebuild their lives, and providing financial support for the emotional and physical toll endured. By understanding the various non-economic damages that can be claimed, accident victims can better advocate for their rights and seek appropriate compensation for their losses. Learn more about how you can obtain legal assistance if you have recently suffered injuries in a personal injury accident.


Securing Justice with Lyft Accident Lawyers

Lyft Accident Lawyer

When it comes to ride-sharing services like Lyft, convenience, and accessibility have transformed the way people travel. However, with increased usage, accidents involving Lyft vehicles have become a concern. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, it is crucial to understand your rights and seek the assistance of a skilled Lyft accident lawyer.

A Lyft accident can leave victims with severe injuries, emotional trauma, and mounting medical expenses. Navigating the legal complexities that arise from such accidents can be overwhelming without professional guidance. An experienced Lyft accident lawyer can provide the necessary support and representation to ensure that you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Dealing with Insurance Companies 

One of the primary reasons to hire a Lyft accident lawyer is their expertise in dealing with insurance companies. After an accident, you may be contacted by the insurance company representing Lyft. It is important to remember that their priority is to minimize their liability and settle the case for the least amount possible. An experienced lawyer will handle all communications with the insurance company on your behalf, protecting your rights and ensuring that you are not taken advantage of during the settlement process.

Determining Liability 

Additionally, determining liability in Lyft accidents can be complex. Unlike traditional car accidents, rideshare accidents involve multiple parties, including the Lyft driver, other motorists, and potentially the ride-sharing company itself. A skilled Lyft accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the accident, collect evidence, and identify all liable parties. They will work diligently to build a strong case that demonstrates the negligence or misconduct of the responsible parties, increasing your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Each state has a legal system with specific laws and regulations that apply to Lyft accidents. A knowledgeable Lyft accident lawyer will have a deep understanding of these laws and will navigate the legal process on your behalf. They will ensure that all deadlines are met, paperwork is properly filed, and your rights are protected throughout the proceedings.

Calculating Damages

Moreover, an experienced Lyft accident lawyer will help you accurately calculate the damages you are entitled to. Damages may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and future medical costs if applicable. They will fight tirelessly to ensure that you receive fair and just compensation for the physical, emotional, and financial hardships caused by the Lyft accident.

Selecting the Right Lyft Accident Lawyer

Choosing the right Lyft accident lawyer is crucial for the success of your case. Look for a lawyer with a proven track record of handling Lyft accident cases, strong negotiation skills, and a compassionate approach to client representation like those at Cashio Injury Attorneys, LLC. They should have the resources and experience to handle complex litigation and be committed to protecting your rights.

If you have been involved in a Lyft accident hiring a Lyft accident lawyer is essential. They will provide the necessary legal guidance and representation, ensuring that you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. By entrusting your case to a skilled lawyer, you can focus on your recovery while they fight for your rights. Remember, time is of the essence, so reach out to a Lyft accident lawyer today to begin the process of seeking justice.


Grass Roots Grocery and Blitz Law Group, LLP, Raise Over $15,000 For Bronx, NY, Families

Grass Roots Grocery and Blitz Law Group, LLP

At Blitz Law Group, LLP, it’s our goal to create a positive impact in our local communities. Whether we’re helping victims recover after personal injuries or helping families seek justice after a wrongful death, we strive to support our community.

Our law group understands that there’s many ways to help, which is why we proudly partnered with Grass Roots Grocery to deliver over 8,000 pounds of unsold produce to families throughout the Bronx, NY, area. We successfully raised $17,355 for the event on April 8th, surpassing the initial goal of $15,000.

The food drive kicked off at 9am at 1957 Turnbull Avenue, which is a 20-minute drive from Bronx’s Upper East Side. The founder of Grass Roots Grocery, Dan Zauderer, began by sharing his story of how he founded his non-profit organization. While teaching in the South Bronx, he discovered that one in four of his students’ families either skipped meals or ate very little, even though they were living near the largest produce market in the U.S.

After hearing Dan’s story, volunteers then sorted through and packed over 8,000 pounds of unsold produce. At around 10:30 am, volunteers then delivered packaged produce to families in the area. With 30+ community sites helmed by a different community leader, our Blitz Law Group and Grass Roots Grocery team ensured families in need received their produce packages.

Alongside helping neighbors in need, the food drive also gave the opportunity for volunteers to make a positive impact in their community. For years now, our attorneys have used the power of the law to help victims and their families receive compensation or legal representation. However, our team also recognizes that sometimes the community needs immediate help in the form of resources like food.

Blitz Law Group, LLP, is proud to have helped Grass Roots Grocery raise the necessary money to continue their mission.


Premises Liability Legal Help

Premises liability cases involve accidents or injuries that occur on someone else’s property due to negligence. When faced with such situations, hiring a premises liability lawyer becomes essential to navigate the legal complexities and protect your rights. While the benefits of hiring a premises liability lawyer, such as a lawyer at Council & Associates, LLC,  are very bountiful, there are also unique elements that set them apart from other legal professionals. If you are facing premise liability, it’s imperative to be aware of the differentiating legal factors about your case. Here are five common factors to be aware of with premise liability cases.

Specialized Knowledge in Premises Liability Law

Premises liability lawyers possess specialized knowledge and expertise in the area of premises liability law. They are well-versed in the legal intricacies and nuances specific to these cases. Unlike general practitioners, premises liability lawyers have a deep understanding of the laws, regulations, and precedents that govern property owner responsibilities and negligence. This specialized knowledge enables them to provide targeted and effective legal representation, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome in premises liability cases.

Familiarity with Various Types of Premises Liability Cases

Premises liability covers a broad range of accidents and injuries that occur on different types of properties, such as slip and falls, inadequate security, dog bites, and defective conditions. Premises liability lawyers have experience handling various types of premises liability cases. They understand the specific legal requirements and standards that apply to each case type. This familiarity allows them to develop effective strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of your case and employ the most appropriate legal arguments to build a strong claim.

Resources to Conduct Thorough Investigations

Premises liability cases often require thorough investigations to gather evidence and establish liability. Premises liability lawyers have access to a network of resources, including accident reconstruction experts, investigators, and other professionals who can assist in building a robust case. They can analyze the scene of the accident, collect relevant documents and records, interview witnesses, and obtain expert opinions to strengthen your claim. By leveraging their resources, premises liability lawyers can conduct comprehensive investigations that uncover critical evidence to support your case.

Understanding of Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance companies are known for employing various tactics to minimize payouts in premises liability cases. Premises liability lawyers are familiar with these tactics and understand how to navigate the complexities of dealing with insurance companies. They can anticipate the strategies used by insurers and counter them effectively. Premises liability lawyers have experience negotiating with insurance adjusters and are prepared to advocate aggressively on your behalf to secure fair compensation. Their understanding of insurance company tactics ensures that you are protected and not taken advantage of during the legal process.

Ability to Assess Contributory Negligence and Comparative Fault

Premises liability cases can involve issues of contributory negligence or comparative fault, where the injured party’s own actions may have contributed to the accident or injury. Premises liability lawyers have the expertise to assess the extent of contributory negligence or comparative fault and how it may impact your case. They can determine if you can still pursue a claim and guide you through the legal implications of shared responsibility. With their knowledge and experience, premises liability lawyers can navigate the complexities of these situations, ensuring that you receive a fair evaluation of liability and compensation.



Spinal Cord Injury FAQs

Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence, it is essential to consult a spinal cord injury lawyer. Spinal cord injuries can result in life-long medical care, rehabilitation, and lost wages, making it difficult for you to sustain your livelihood. A knowledgeable and experienced spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord, which is responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body, is damaged. The damage can result in loss of sensation, muscle strength, and other bodily functions. Spinal cord injuries can range from mild to severe and can result from various causes, including car accidents, slip and fall accidents, sports injuries, and medical malpractice.

How Can a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Help?

A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal system and protect your rights. Spinal cord injury lawyers such as those at Norris Injury Law provide legal advice and representation, negotiate with insurance companies, and help you recover compensation for your losses, including:

  • Medical expenses: Spinal cord injuries require extensive medical care and rehabilitation, which can be costly. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for medical expenses, including hospital bills, surgeries, medication, and therapy.
  • Lost wages: Spinal cord injuries can prevent you from returning to work, resulting in lost wages. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for lost wages, including future earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering: Spinal cord injuries can result in physical pain and emotional distress. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for pain and suffering, including mental anguish and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Home modifications: Spinal cord injuries may require modifications to your home to accommodate your disability. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for home modifications, including wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and other accessibility features.
  • Assistive devices: Spinal cord injuries may require the use of assistive devices, such as wheelchairs, crutches, and prosthetics. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for these devices.
  • Other expenses: Spinal cord injuries can result in various other expenses, such as transportation costs, home health care, and medical equipment. A spinal cord injury lawyer can help you recover compensation for these expenses.

Why Choose a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer?

Choosing a spinal cord injury lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. They have the knowledge and experience to handle complex spinal cord injury cases and can guide you through the legal process. They can help you understand your legal rights and options and fight for your best interests.

Moreover, a spinal cord injury lawyer has experience dealing with insurance companies and can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. If necessary, they can take your case to court and fight for your rights in front of a judge and jury.

A spinal cord injury can be a life-altering event that can have a significant impact on your life and well-being. If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence, it is essential to consult a spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as possible. Contact an attorney today to help you recover the compensation you deserve and provide you with the support you need to move forward.



5 Myths About Criminal Defense


Criminal Defense Lawyer

It’s critical to have a trusted criminal defense lawyer in your corner when you are facing serious charges in court. You want knowledgeable legal guidance that will help you thoroughly understand all of your options in front of you. A criminal defense lawyer is a professional who specializes in representing individuals and organizations accused of criminal offenses. Despite their critical role in the justice system, there are unfortunately several myths and misconceptions surrounding criminal defense lawyers. By understanding the truth behind these myths, you can make informed decisions about your legal representation, and ultimately find the pathway to working with  a dedicated lawyer, such as a lawyer at Tuttle Larsen, P.A. Criminal defense lawyers play a critical role in the justice system and are committed to protecting the rights of all clients, regardless of their guilt or innocence. Here are five common myths about criminal defense lawyers:

Criminal defense lawyers defend only guilty clients

One of the most pervasive myths about criminal defense lawyers is that they only defend clients who are guilty. This is not true. Criminal defense lawyers believe in the principle of innocent until proven guilty, and their job is to defend the rights of all clients, regardless of their guilt or innocence. In fact, many criminal defense lawyers have successfully defended innocent clients who were wrongly accused.

Criminal defense lawyers only care about winning

Another common myth is that criminal defense lawyers are only interested in winning at any cost. While criminal defense lawyers are committed to protecting their clients’ rights and achieving the best possible outcome, they also have a duty to the court and the justice system. A good criminal defense lawyer will always prioritize ethical and legal conduct over winning.

Criminal defense lawyers are all the same

Not all criminal defense lawyers are the same. Just like in any profession, there are good and bad lawyers. It’s important to do research and choose a criminal defense lawyer who has the necessary experience and skills to represent your case. A good lawyer should have a track record of success in cases similar to yours and be able to communicate clearly with you throughout the process.

Criminal defense lawyers are expensive and only for wealthy clients

While it’s true that some criminal defense lawyers charge high fees, there are also lawyers who offer affordable rates and even pro bono services for clients who cannot afford to pay. Additionally, criminal defense lawyers are available to represent all clients, regardless of their income or social status. It’s important to remember that everyone has the right to legal representation, regardless of their financial situation.

Criminal defense lawyers encourage clients to lie

This myth is completely false. Criminal defense lawyers are bound by ethical and legal standards that require them to uphold the truth and not mislead the court. A good criminal defense lawyer will advise their client to tell the truth and not to lie under any circumstances. In fact, lying under oath is a serious crime that can result in additional charges and penalties.


Becoming A Confidential Informant To Reduce Drug Charges

Personal Injury Lawyer

A confidential informant in layman terms is an individual who provides law enforcement information about criminal activity related to a case they may or may not be investigating according to a criminal lawyer from the Lynch Law Group. The identity of this person is kept private for safety reasons, and this person may also be involved in the criminal acts, to some extent as a personal injury lawyer knows all too well. The information they provide is not to be used against confidential informants. No one desires to be labeled a “snitch”, unless it likely benefits them. Especially when family, friendships, or finances are on the line. However, sometimes becoming a confidential informant as it relates to drug charges. Though there are several legal stipulations to consider before making the decision to become a confidential informant, for some people it is their best option.

When choosing to work with law enforcement, always contemplate first the benefits and disadvantages of doing so. This is why it is important to speak with an attorney before any decisions are made when concerning your freedom. In the event that you have no criminal history, there is a possibility you can receive probation for your involvement in a crime, which beats jail time. You may be told that probation would be your prize, when in fact laws vary from state to state which may already grant a first-time offender probation with or without becoming a confidential informant. So, there is no real benefit in becoming the “snitch”. When you fully understand the consequences to your actions you are able to make an informed decision. 

A confidential informant’s work is almost never done. Law enforcement may always want more information from you if this means taking down more people. When trial time comes, you may have to testify or reveal yourself, and if this is not something you see yourself being okay with you may have to reassess. Speak with a skilled attorney that will make sure while you are a confidential informant, everything that is expected of you is clearly understood and agreed upon. Due to several people’s fear of jail time, and lack of knowledge of the law, law enforcement may easily take advantage of you. Be sure to understand exactly what it is you will get in return for your involvement as a confidential informant. This goes without saying, do not participate in illegal activity while you have taken on the responsibility as a confidential informant or you may be in more trouble.

Becoming a confidential informant can be more than “snitching’ with the right knowledge and legal team. It is fine to make demands as well, because it is very likely law enforcement cannot get what it is they need without you. Use this as an opportunity to get your life right, as your second chance. It is tremendously significant to comprehend all of your options before and during your time as a confidential informant, be sure to speak with an attorney throughout your time to make sure your rights are not violated.

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PHONE: 212-871-1300 747






Birthing Tools And Birth Injuries

Birth Injury Attorney

Knowing that your baby was injured during the labor and delivery process can be an overwhelming realization. As a parent, all you ever want to do is protect your child, and knowing that something happened during the birthing process or immediately after can make you feel like the people who were supposed to take care of you failed to do their jobs. The truth is, if your child has a birth injury, the people who were supposed to take care of you and your child in the hospital did fail to do their job. That is why it is crucial you seek help from a trusted lawyer as soon as you realize something is wrong so that you can get the help your child needs. 

How do birth injuries occur with tools? 

Some of the most common injuries that happen to babies happen because of the improper use of different tools. 

  1. The Vacuum. It sounds medieval but vacuum tools have been used to successfully bring babies into this world for years. By carefully placing the vacuum device on the crown of the newborn’s head (while they are still inside their mother), a doctor can help to bring the baby out of the birth canal. While this is a great device when used correctly, if a doctor uses it wrong, this can cause trauma and bruising to the baby’s head. If the baby is not heads-down or has not gotten low enough in the birth canal the vacuum device should not be used. 
  2. The Forceps. Another medical device used during birth, forceps help to grip the baby to aid in them coming out of the birth canal. It can cause fractures, damage to the baby’s tissue, bruising, and shoulder dystocia when used improperly. 

When a doctor uses tools to aid in the birth process, it can be an efficient and quick way to get the baby out safely. However, improper use of these tools can result in severe and even life-threatening injuries. You may find that your child needs permanent, round-the-clock care due to a medical error during the labor and delivery process.  

What can I do? 

When you suspect that a medical provider injured your child during birth, do not hesitate to reach out to a lawyer, like a birth injury lawyer from a law firm like David & Philpot, P.L. A birth injury may serve as grounds for a significant medical malpractice case. You deserve to not only have closure and justice regarding your child’s injury but you also deserve compensation. Medical bills can quickly begin piling up and if you are unable to work due to the care you need to give your child, a lawyer can help you learn about what kind of compensation you can fight for. 

One of the first steps will be meeting with a lawyer and bringing evidence you have to show why you believe a birth injury occurred and how it is affecting your life and your child’s life. When you are ready, speak with a compassionate lawyer to learn about your options. 


Been Accused Of A Crime? Read This

Criminal Law Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, then you need to seek guidance from a lawyer as soon as possible. Everything you say and do may be used against your case in court. After your arrest and being placed under investigation, you must take advantage of your right to obtain counsel by contacting the criminal defense law firm near you as soon as possible. As a criminal defense lawyer explains below, here is what you need to do after an arrest to protect your best interests. 

Following an arrest, there is a standard procedure that includes interrogation, bond hearing, trial or plea bargain, and sentencing. During the investigation, you may be brought into custody of police and questioned after your arrest. It is vital that you only offer information such as your name but otherwise refrain from answering anything else until the presence of a lawyer. Law enforcement use all kinds of tactics to get people to answer questions and then they use the words of the accused against them. It’s unfair because most people don’t realize what is happening to them until it is too late. It is much more difficult to take back something you already said, than to prevent yourself from making incriminating statements in the first place.

During the bond hearing, a judge will set the amount that is required to release you. For the trial or plea bargaining, depending on what will be in the best interest of your case, your lawyer may negotiate a deal with the prosecution or take your case to trial. Lastly, sentencing is when the judge will impose repercussions once the trial or plea hearing has concluded. Many people who have been arrested and are accused of a crime are intimidated at the process and don’t know what to do. It’s unfortunate because the judicial system is not set up for people to understand what’s going on. It’s almost as if they set people up to fail from the beginning because they may not know when they are making mistakes that greatly hinder their case. 

If you are arrested, keep the following tips in mind. Before and after your arrest one of the most important things to remember is to be calm, cordial, and patient. How you act during the arrest process may make the situation worse. Despite how unjustified the arrest may seem to you, if an officer is set on the arrest, then they are going to do so. The chances of you talking your way out of an arrest in the moment is slim to none. So remain quiet and after your booking process at the police station request a lawyer right away. Refuse to answer any investigative questions until your legal team has arrived and is sitting next to you. Many people make the mistake of thinking that if they are just honest to the police with what they know, that they will be seen as innocent and the charges will be dropped. But rarely is this the case, as law enforcement is probably dedicated to making you seem guilty by whatever means necessary. Protect yourself by staying silent and calling a lawyer, as the team from Law Group of Iowa recommends, immediately.

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PHONE: 212-871-1300 747






What Causes Truck Accidents To Be Deadly?

Auto Accident Lawyer

You may be wondering if there is any additional danger to being in a truck accident depending on the state you are in. After all, truck accidents can hardly be more malicious or dangerous in one state than in another, right? Not necessarily. In fact, some states pose an additional risk of getting into very dangerous truck accidents simply because there are more cars and trucks on the road than there are in other states in the country. Trucking accidents are a serious issue because they can lead to life-threatening injuries. 


What causes truck accidents to be deadly? 

It seems each year that car companies put out new cars on the road, the car is made with additional safety features. In fact, some cars can even drive themselves. How is it that truck accidents are still so dangerous? As a trusted attorney, like a truck accident attorney understands, even cars with all of the newest safety features, working airbags, and the capability to see some fenders benders coming (and avoid them), are still at the mercy of most trucks on the road. 

When a large object rams into a smaller object, the small object will always receive the most damage. Consider this: your typical car weighs just over 4,000 pounds. While that seems like a large amount to the individual person, it is small potatoes on the road. An 18-wheeler, on the other hand, weighs a minimum of 35,000 pounds (empty) and up to 80,000 pounds (fully loaded). 

Trucks are also not equipped to maneuver on the road the same way that other vehicles are. They have very bad blind spots, they cannot come to a complete stop quickly, and their turning radius is poor. All of this is a recipe for danger if you are a car on the road. 


What can I do after a truck accident? 

After you have been injured in a truck accident, you should feel like you have options for recovering compensation for your injuries. It is crucial that you speak with a trusted law office. You may feel that you are out of options and that you are in no condition to negotiate with an insurance company. The truth is, even if an insurance company knows that their customer was in the wrong, they’re still going to argue that you were responsible for the accident in some way or that you do not deserve a fair amount of compensation. You want to ensure you are set up for success when you file your truck accident claim. 


Call a Law Office Today

When you want to learn more about filing a truck accident claim and are ready to fight for the compensation you rightly deserve, reach out to a law office that can help you with your claim. 

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Exceptional Legal Outcomes

Blitz Law Group, LLP Secures
$1.5 Million

Blitz Law Group, LLP, renowned for handling personal injury cases throughout the entire state of New York, is thrilled to announce the successful resolution of a deeply tragic case. Our client, a 38-year-old man, tragically lost his life after being improperly discharged from an upstate New York, Albany area hospital. He leaves behind his loving wife and three young children.
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Blitz Law Group, LLP Secures
$3.75 Million

Blitz Law Group, LLP is pleased to announce the successful settlement of our client’s case for $3.75 million. This case centered around the medical treatment received by a cherished member of the Far Rockaway community known for his vibrant personality and numerous talents.
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